トップ > すべての商品 > 【Size5.5 Mokuzougan Mt.Fuji 21+1step】 -【5.5寸 木象嵌 富士山 21+1回】-
【Size5.5 Mokuzougan Mt.Fuji 21+1step】 -【5.5寸 木象嵌 富士山 21+1回】-
Asinoko If Hakone is crossed, the woods of the Hakone shrine will also be seen by the side of Mt. Komagatake and the lake which made round Yamagata the quiet appearance of Ashinoko.
Mt. Fuji is also making the other side to a lake remove the head.
箱根芦ノ湖から観る富士山の木画です。箱根を越えれば、芦ノ湖の静かなたたずまいに、丸い山形をした駒ヶ岳、湖水のほとりには箱根神社の森もみられます。富士山も湖水の向かいに頭をのぞかせています。 |
サイズ 120mm×160mm×70mm
価格 : 14,300円(税込) |
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Red Fuji (Aka-Fuji) is mainly a phenomenon in which Mt. Fuji dyes and happens to the morning sun in the early morning, from the late summer to early autumn.
It is known as auspicious generally and has also become a season word of summer.
It is a picture by the color of a natural tree.box Producer Mr,Yamanaka
木の自然の色を使い象嵌の技法で木画にしました。サイズ 120mm×160mm×70mm
Namiura The figure which looked at Fuji from the present offing of Yokohama.
It is globally as famous a work as it says, "Be absorbed if it is called ukiyoe!"
Dynamic composition, mixture of stillness and a motion.
It is one article which should be said also to an overseas person as Hokusai's masterpiece liked very much.
波裏 現在の横浜本牧沖から富士を眺めた図。「浮世絵と言えば、これ!」というぐらい世界的に有名な作品です。ダイナミックな構図、静と動の交錯。海外の人にも大変好まれる北斎の傑作というべき一品です。